Jumat, 13 Mei 2011


BY : Sabry Matasala

Igandangi means drummed. The tradition describes power and manhood . Popua means female and fertility. Both stones have a close connection to lingga and yoni in Hinduism and Buddhism. During the sultanate (Islamic) period. Both stones were used in the ceremony of the sultan’s inauguration. In the location of thelgendangi stone, secretes water that is used for bathing the sultan.
Popaua stones is used to circeling the sultanate’s umbrella during the inauguration of the sultan or the ministry.It is said that someone has not visited Buton if she/he hasn’t touched the holy stones. The view of the sites is very beautiful on a the clear day. Close to the location , there are a few old cannons. Thousands of pieces of earthenware vessels, ceramics, and porcelain from china Europe have also been found there.
There are 2 kings’ tomb and 18 sultan’ tomb inside the site. There is Beadia or kuba mosque allegedly, even though the size of the mosque is only 8 x 8 meters, the mosque can accommodate as many people as want to pray.

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