Jumat, 13 Mei 2011


BY : Sabry Matasala

In Gambol village, you can see the craftsmen make gambol from the roots and stems of teak and sandalwood trees. The shape,pattern, and colourof gambol is very unique because it keeps the basic shape of the tree. Whith their beautiful refining, the craftsmen are able to modify a simple root to become a high quality pieceof art work with economic value, like a clock, an ash try, a table, chairs, and other furniture. if you visit kendari, you can find it in various packages.
Molulo is a society dance for the tolaki ethnic group, performed en masse in a circle, each dancer holding hands. The dance describes a the gratefulness for the success that’s already been achieved. It is also a moment of social gathering for young people to find their mate. All people in their society can dance it regadless of the level or position in the society, so that the dance is also known as the people dance. Nowadays, the Molulo dance is popular not only for tolaki people, but also for other ethnic groups in South East Sulawesi, everybody can participate in the dance , including you if you visit South east Sulawesi.

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