The entrance gate for the tourists is Bali. The trip is about 2 hours with a DAS Eight aircraft with a 40 seat capacity. The price is
high because it uses a chartered aircraft. In terms of administration, wakatobi is divided to 7 subdistricts, which are : wangi-wangi, south wangi-wangi, kaledupa, South Kaledupa, Tomia, East Tomia, Binongko and Togo Binongko subdistricts. Now wakatobi has 14 kelurahans (villages led by lurah in terms of administration) and 48 village.
Before Wakatobi became a new district, the archipelago that spread in the banda ocean was known as tukang besi (blacksmith) island. Even though the district was only 5 years old, the name Wakatobi was used by the government and the buton people. Wakatobi is the short name of 4 big island which are : Wangi-Wangi, Kaledupa, Tomia, and Binongko.
All areas of Wakatobi includedin National Parks have a total area of 1.390.000 Ha. The area is a National Park because it has the biggest variety of marine biodiversify in the world. There are 942 fish species and 750 of the 850 coral species in the world are found in this area.
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